Search of Job In Australia | students or to employers who have expressed
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Are You in Search of Job In Australia? See Student Pathway To Find A Job


Are You in Search of Job In Australia? See Student Pathway To Find A Job

Are You in Search of Job In Australia? See Student Pathway To Find A Job


Are you looking for work in Australia? There are several ways to get this job in the country below. Applying in Australia can sometimes be a complicated process. We have developed a guide to guide you in the right direction.

The good news is that Australia is a multicultural society. One in four Australians was born outside of Australia. This means that international recruitment channels in Australia are well established. While looking for a job in Australia may seem new to you, it is somewhat comforting that Australia is a migrant nation and that many people have made the same transition for short and long term residence and citizenship.

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The likelihood of obtaining this job in Australia depends on several factors, including:
What skills you have and the demand for those skills in Australia.
The advantages of working in Australia are that you will experience excellent working environments and conditions in the workplace. Your work experiences in Australia could very well be a highlight of your career. The language skills and relationships you can bring to your roles can help you find a job. Also, Australia lacks people for certain occupations and skills.

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Student path

If you are studying in Australia, you may be eligible for a 485 temporary graduate visa. This visa is available for eligible international students graduating from an Australian university with qualifications linked to the List of Qualified Professions (SOL).


You may be eligible to apply for the 485 visas if you:

  • Are under 50
  • Are in Australia
  • Hold an eligible visa
  • Meet the requirements of the Australian study
  • Meet the English language requirement, and
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Have recently obtained a diploma or skills and qualifications related to SOL solicitation.
Your academic career counsellor can guide you with whom to talk to, who to apply to, and where to look for the type of job you want. They will also likely have links to previous students or to employers who have expressed an interest in hearing from students at your university.


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