A Guide For Studying And Living In Ukraine | Learn More

A Guide For Studying And Living In Ukraine


Training at one of the best Ukrainian universities is becoming increasingly attractive to many foreign students from around the world since more than 200,000 of them have recently benefited from the quality of education that these learning institutions offer in August.


Studying in Ukraine gives students around the world a chance to benefit from affordable international education in science, art, letters and more. In Ukraine, students can be exposed to politics in the context of European history and culture. This gives graduates from Ukrainian universities an advantage over students who have never been exposed to international universities and various cultural experiences.

In order to study at a Ukrainian university, a student must meet a number of requirements, namely admission, visas, travel and university registration. All documents must be translated into Russian or Ukrainian and then legalized in the student’s country of origin.

Admission requirements include documents that are admitted to the university, such as a fully completed application form, a copy of the student’s international passport, a notarized copy of the student’s high school diploma or equivalent. As soon as the university accepts this and students pay the confirmation fee, a copy of this document must also be submitted. For postdoctoral students, a copy of the student’s certificates for the baccalaureate or master’s degree, a transcription and a copy of the student’s project work must be presented.

Visa required for students from countries other than Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom and countries that were once part of the old Soviet Union (minus Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia). The documents to be submitted when applying for a visa include a valid international passport, the letter of admission or invitation to the home university, a letter of confirmation from the University of Ukraine to the Ukrainian consulate, health insurance, and HIV termination certificate, a return flight ticket and a copy of the contract, if applicable. If everything is allowed, the embassy or consulate will provide the student with a study visa valid for one year. For more information, the student must coordinate with the Ukrainian consulates in his country of origin.

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As soon as the application requirements have been met and the student’s passport has been stamped with a study visa, travel requirements are the next concern. The return flight ticket must be prepared, the migration card must be filled in upon arrival at the airport of Ukraine and all relevant documents such as the original letter of invitation, transcripts and medical certificates must be shown. These documents should already have been translated into Russian or Ukrainian and legalized in the student’s country of origin.

When the student has arrived safely in Ukraine, you must consult his / her enrollment policy at his university. All original university documents must be ready for presentation at the recording office. University enrollment policy applies. The student then receives a residence permit, identity cards and academic material. The student is now ready to study in Ukraine.

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Study In Ukraine: Step by Step
The requirements to study in Ukraine is divided into five categories namely:
Admission Requirements
Visa Requirements
Travel Requirements
Welcome to Ukraine
University Registration Requirements

1. Admission Requirements:
This refers to the documents required to qualify for university admission / invitation letter. They are:
A filled online application form or download pdf.
A copy of your international passport
A legalized copy of secondary school completion certificate (or subject grades)*.
A fees confirmation copy (bank copy) – After approbation of acceptance.
Supplementary Requirements for Postgraduate students (in addition):
A copy of the project work
A copy of the bachelor’s / master’s degree certificates
Results and transcripts
All documents must be notarized/legalized and translated into Ukrainian or Russian language.

2. Visa Requirements:
Some countries do not require visa. These include: UK, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Also, all Countries of the former Soviet Union are visa free to Ukraine. The only exceptions are: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. However, check with the Ukrainian consulate in your country to confirm the necessity or otherwise.
On confirmation that you will need a visa, then the following requirements apply:
A valid international passport
Original admission / invitation letter
A confirmation letter to the Ukrainian consulate in your country from the university
A copy of the contract (optional)
Medical health insurance
HIV certificate
Two-way air ticket
Once every thing is in place, the embassy will issue you a study visa. The study visa duration is usually 1 year, so be sure to use it while it is valid. Now, it is time for your travel requirements.
Don’t forget to inform us with your arriving details with a week time in advance, to be able to pick you up in airport!

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3. Travel Requirements:
Passport (See Visa section).
Two way ticket.
Entry Student’s Visa.
Migration card (it must be filled in by you in the airport upon arrival to Airport in Ukraine).
Original Invitation Letter.
All original school and Medicine certificates translated and legalized from your home country, and Ukrainian embassy.

4. Welcome To Ukraine**
Our agent will meet you in airport, holding a table written over it your name, you should contact our agent in airport to complete all arrangements and accompany you to the university, and the university hostel.

5. University Registration Requirements:
At this stage, you will have to go with our agent through the university registration process. You will need all the originals of all the original documents you used for processing your admission. Next is medicine test. Then you will be issued a one year student residential permit, the necessary university and hostel identity cards, academic materials and you are ready for the resumption your first educational experiences studying in Ukraine.
** A representative of Hotstudy.com will meet the student at the airport holding Hotstudy.com name board and escort him/her to the university and the students’ hostel. Hotstudy.com must be intimated about the flight details (flight number, date and time of arrival, city of arrival and name of airport) seven days in advance for proper arrangement of pick up.
** The student will not be allowed to leave the airport and enter the Ukrainian territory until a representative of Hotstudy.com meets him/her at the airport with the power of attorney from the University. This is according to the official Rules and Regulations of Ukrainian Immigration Department of First time arriving/entering students.
* Students that did not finish or are close to finish their studies at their school, college or university but did not receive their study qualifications certificates because the documents will be issued in the near future, they can send in the mean time the transcripts/marks and an undersigned auto-certification that informs us that you will send the requested documents as soon you will receive them.


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